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An invitation to dream @andrew_roberts_r

An invitation to dream @andrew_roberts_r

What is your dream (or dreams)?

I dream that one day I can be in a position to create and live in a style that comes unapologetically from my heart. I want to be able to create with and for people in a way where I don't have to meet a predetermined quota and can just express myself, regardless of whether people like it or not.

Who inspires you to dream bigger?

I'm inspired by too many people. I'm inspired by film makers like Damien Chazelle, musicians such as Archy Marshall and artists like Dr. Seuss. I'm also inspired by designers like Marc Newson and even people like my grandad - he
always has this beautiful trait of curiosity that I've tried to have in myself.

What dreams are you working towards right now?

Right now I'm just trying to build a volume of creative work that I feel intrinsically satisfied with and is not influenced by a bunch of self entitled people with clipboards and check sheets.

What role does health and fitness play in helping you to achieve your dreams?

All my best thinking is done when I'm biking, running or walking. I'll have music blasting in my ears and before I know it, I subconsciously go into this deep train of thought. I don't know why but I feel just getting out of my desk environment and sweating like a pig helps me push past these mental barriers.

What is one lesson you have learnt that you think is worth sharing?

Most of the time, nobody cares about what you are doing more than you, so just do what you want and what you think is right.

What struggles have you faced along your journey?

Self doubt, loss of enthusiasm, jealousy and belittlement from others, failing miserably and just general episodes of extreme anxiety that pretty much everyone experiences through a period of struggle.

What tools do you use to help you follow your dreams?

I draw a lot, I design in 3D software almost always, I make a lot of music, I try to find out a lot of stuff about a lot of things and I like to film and take pictures of what I do.

How do you stay on track?

I like to remind myself of WHY I'm doing what I'm doing and what I actually bloody want from what I'm creating. If that doesn't work I'll usually go and watch a movie I admire for the 300th time or listen to some music that gets my morale

What is a dream you have achieved already that you’re proud of?

I think there's this gross sycophantic atmosphere around the way people react to others in todays society so I'm really proud of myself and what I have done when I get a genuine raw response and piece of feedback from my work, whether that be design, film or music.

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